Fortress Information Security Adds New Partner In Securing U.S. Power Grid
The Asset to Vendor Network for Power Utilities (A2V) earlier this week announced the group's first new partner. Founded by Fortress Information Security (Fortress) and American Electric Power (AEP), A2V was formed to create a security partnership that allows power companies to share vital cyber-threat information and bolster cyber defenses. Atlanta-based Southern Company has signed on as the first new partner of the group.
Utility companies have invested and built formidable cyber defenses to "wall" off networks and protect from wide-scale attacks to ensure that U.S. consumers have a reliable and sustainable power grid. The A2V network, managed and created by Fortress, is focused on providing utilities across the nation the ability to share critical information to identify, measure and mitigate cybersecurity risk. A2V enables members to have up-to-date risk assessment information on threats and allows the utility industry to coalesce collectively.
"Utilities have a long history of working together to overcome challenges and securing our mutual supply chain through A2V is just the latest example," Tom Wilson, vice president and chief information security officer for Southern Company, said. "A2V offers the opportunity for companies to collaborate and help share expertise and best practices."
By taking part in the A2V collaboration, companies are able to:
- Reduce overall operating and maintenance (O&M) costs associated with cybersecurity compliance
- Access a substantial library of completed vendor risk assessments
- Contribute to a national cyber risk assessment library for utilities
"The utility industry, like no other, is built on the foundation of collaboration. When faced with a challenge, whether it be a natural disaster or an attack on a power grid, the industry comes together," said Alex Santos, co-founder and CEO of Fortress. "The A2V Network builds on the industry's culture of collaboration, enabling it to be more aware, prepared and secure. We welcome Southern Company and look forward to more utilities joining our national movement."
Source: Fortress Information Security | PRNewswire